Sunday, July 01, 2012

A Cathedral, Tower & Bridge

Sunday morning, we went to St. Paul's Cathedral for their "Orchestral Eucharist Service". What an incredible experience to soak up! The City of London orchestra led worship, along with a boys choir and men's choir... It was so much to take in, not to mention the building itself! So glad we did this.

After this, we went to the Tower of London and were entertained by performers giving tourists a taste of what Life would have been in the tower. This guy cracked me up... So we did the appropriate tourist thing and took a picture!

The Tower Bridge is stunning with all it's intricate details. I'm sure those watching the Olympics later this summer will see this shot often... (the tube lines are also filled with London 2012 ads and signs).

Lastly, Happy Canada Day! Alan sported his t-shirt all day... Here's a picture of him and Andy creatively posing next to a claasic London double decker bus.

Farewell, London. Next stop, Ireland.

1 comment:

  1. My favourite bit of the costumed soldier... was him asking if I was your servant. Dryly done, yet still well witty. Also, that Tube shot looks fantastic, great shutter speed coordination.
